St Paul's Church, Penketh. Rebuilding in progress....

This is my photo record of the rebuild project.
I am hoping to visit regularly to take photos of progress.
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Links to earlier (and later) pages, now by dates:

Thursday, 30th March, 2017

Things have moved on while I was away. The boundary wall has been breached, and ground behind prepared for concrete foundations for the access steps and ramp.

More window frames have been installed in the admin block and glass continues to be added, seemingly in random order.

All of the scaffolding has now been removed.

Inside, they were laying down the underfloor heating pipes. This will be covered by a cement screen, once it has been tested. The pipes are fed from a manifold in the utility cupboard adjacent to the toilets. The plumbing to connect up to this seems to have been installed, and the gas and water are now connected, so testing could happen soon.

The boundary wall has been breached.

Excavations for the access paths.

Additional window frames at rear of
the admin area.

More plumbing, in the plant room.
The main pumps have been installed.

Heating pipes in the lobby area...

and in the creche,...

and in the kitchen,...

And it all comes into the cupboard!

The building fund is growing, but slowly. We have received promised grants, but still need quite a bit more to fund completion. We have do have enough money to make a start on the fitting out process, but it will only cover part of the job. The sooner we have the money the sooner we will be able to complete the building and start making use of it.

If you would like to make a donation towards this, then please click this link. Thank you!

We have recently received a number of donations which are much appreciated. If one was from you, then we are deeply grateful. Thank you very much!