St Paul's Church, Penketh. Rebuilding in progress....

This is my photo record of the rebuild project.
I am hoping to visit regularly to take photos of progress.
Click on any photo to expand it, or if video is available
display the video. Videos require the use of an up-to-date browser,
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Links to earlier (and later) pages, now by dates:

Monday, 24th October, 2016

At last! Demolition proper can commence!

I've now uploaded the video clips. Click on the images below and if it has a video clip then it should display. If you just get a large still image then that is what I took. If you get a blank screen it probably means your browser is out of date!

I've not, as yet done any editing of the videos, so please excuse any flaws in them. I will get round to it soon.

7am, Bus stop on main road!
Lorry has finally arrived!!!

Daylight comes, we can see the digger.

Manoevres to avoid cars.

Just squeezing through the gate.

The first blow (gents toilet!)

Now for the roof.

Roof gone.

Removing front wall.

Kitchen roof gone.

Most of the creche gone.

Narthex roof.

All the front section cleared.

Stripping panels - most of the timber gets
recycled as MDF.

Taking out the corner of the main hall.

Pulling the next post.

Pulling off a section of the main roof.

The roof looks about to collapse!

Almost half way along now.

They are very tidy workers, frequent brushing up.

Lets go for the next panel...

And the next bit of roof.

Watch out for that gas pipe - it's still live!
(It's the red thing in the middle.)

Not much of the original building left now.

The last bit of roof.

All down!

The cross from the end wall.

Ready for a bonfire?
(Sorry folks, it's all gone for MDF)

The building fund is growing, but slowly. We have received promised grants, but still need quite a bit more to fund completion. We have do have enough money to make a start on the fitting out process, but it will only cover part of the job. The sooner we have the money the sooner we will be able to complete the building and start making use of it.

If you would like to make a donation towards this, then please click this link. Thank you!

We have recently received a number of donations which are much appreciated. If one was from you, then we are deeply grateful. Thank you very much!