St Paul's Church, Penketh. Rebuilding in progress....

This is my photo record of the rebuild project.
I am hoping to visit regularly to take photos of progress.
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Links to earlier (and later) pages, now by dates:

Tuesday, 7th March, 2017

The main hall roof is finished (sorry no photo yet), and the scaffolding should have come down but hasn't. The roof over the admin area is still to do, but that shouldn't hold up other work.

Internally, the electricity supply has been connected up to a board and meter, so there is mains available - 2 double 13-amp sockets!

No water supply as yet, though the water meter has been installed in the plant room.

The heating boilers and associated pipework have been installed and await connection to the gas main and water. Further plumbing work due later this week.

The electricity meter and fuse panel.

The water meter awaiting a supply.

Twin boilers for heating and hot water.

One of the ceiling vent in the main hall.

The building fund is growing, but slowly. We have received promised grants, but still need quite a bit more to fund completion. We have do have enough money to make a start on the fitting out process, but it will only cover part of the job. The sooner we have the money the sooner we will be able to complete the building and start making use of it.

If you would like to make a donation towards this, then please click this link. Thank you!

We have recently received a number of donations which are much appreciated. If one was from you, then we are deeply grateful. Thank you very much!